Foundations of Faith
Looking at the composition of our salvation, of sin and why we can have assurance, this series presents the basic tenets of biblical faith in beautiful and understandable simplicity. These messages address what is God's part and what is ours, the 'positional truths' and how to respond to temptation. The Scriptures display the love and lengths to which the triune God has gone to salvage a fallen human race and offer individuals fellowship with Himself.
1) The Fabric of Salvation, Part I
Joshua 4:21
2) The Fabric of Salvation, Part II
I John 5:11-12
3) The Believer's Position in Christ
II Corinthians 5:17
4) The Believer's Walk in Christ
Colossians 2:6-10
5) The Believer's Conflict
Philippians 2:12-13
6) Essential Christian Growth
James 1:21-25
7) The Struggle of Inner Temptation
Matthew 4:1-11
8) Responding to Anxiety, Tension and Fear
Matthew 6:25-34
9) When God Seems Silent
Psalm 13:1-6
10) The Believer's Relationship to Others
Genesis 2:26
11) The Temptation to Neglect Prayer
Hebrews 10:16-25
12) God's Purpose for His Church
Acts 2:29-36, 42-47