The Gospel of Mark
It is generally agreed that Peter was the eyewitness behind Mark's Gospel. There is something in the crisp, straightforward manner in which Mark writes, that bears witness of Peter, the impetuous fisherman.
Imagine Mark sitting and listening intently as Peter described all that took place as he watched Jesus mingle among the people throughout those tumultuous years. As we read Mark's narrative, Peter's experiences and memories come through with strength and penetrating discernment. This could almost be titled the 'Gospel of Peter'.
Imagine Mark sitting and listening intently as Peter described all that took place as he watched Jesus mingle among the people throughout those tumultuous years. As we read Mark's narrative, Peter's experiences and memories come through with strength and penetrating discernment. This could almost be titled the 'Gospel of Peter'.
1) Introduction to Mark
Mark 1:1-2
2) John introduces the Lamb of God
Mark 1:3-15
3) The Believer Shares Christ's Authority
Mark 1:16-34
4) The Forgiveness of Sins for Spiritual Paralysis
Mark 2:1-12
5) Mounting Opposition to Person and Work of Christ
Mark 2:13-28; 3:1-5
6) Identifying the 'Unpardonable' Sin
Mark 3:22-30
7) The Parable of the Seed and Soils, Part I
Mark 4:1-20
8) The Parable of the Seed and Soils, Part II
Mark 4:1-20
9) The Parable of the Seed and Soils, Part III
Mark 4:1-20
10) The Parable of the Seed and Soils, Part IV
Mark 4:1-20
11) Spiritual Illumination -only from the Holy Spirit
Mark 4:21-25
12) Spiritual Growth and Bearing Good Fruit
Mark 4:26-29
13) The Personal Development of Faith
Mar 4:30-34
14) The Value of the Storm
Mark 4:35-41
15) Characteristics and Limitations of Demonic Beings
Mark 5:1-
16) Divine Supply at the End of Human Resources
Mark 5:22-43
17) Rejection of Jesus' Divinity and Lordship
Mark 6:1-6
18) Comparing the Message Before and After the Cross
Mark 6:7-13, 30
19) Removing Conviction by Silencing the Truth of God
Mark 6:14-29
20) The Supply and Nature of the True Shepherd
Mark 6:31-44
21) Dependence Upon His Father, while Attentive to His Disciples
Mark 6:45-53
22) Jesus' Scathing Assessment of the Hypocrite
Mark 7:1-23
23) Believing in the Face of Discouragement
Mark 7:24-37
24) The God's Infinite Variety of Approach to Human Need
Mark 8:10-21
25) The Difference Between Human and Divine Values
Mark 8:33-38
26) The Disciple's Glimpse of Jesus' Glory
Mark 9:2-13
27) The Valley of Unbelief
Mark 9:14-29
28) Discernment from Eternity's Perspective
Mark 9:38-40
29) The Indwelling Fire of God's Holiness
Mark 9:49-50
30) Jesus' Evaluation on Divorce
Mark 10:1-12
31) The Rich Young Ruler
Mark 10:17-27
32) The Unity of the Body of Christ
Mark 10:28-31
33) Forecasting His Impending Death
Mark 10:32-45
34) Blind Bartimaeus Receives His Sight
Mark 10:46-52
35) The Fruit and Reality of Repentance, Part I
Mark 11:12-26
36) The Fruit and Reality of Repentance, Part II
Mark 11: 12-26
37) Pharisaical Challenge to Jesus' Authority
Mark 11:27-33
38) Hatred, the Battle of Self-Will
Mark 12:13-17
39) Spiritual Perception Requires Faith and Humility
Mark 12:18-27
40) The Ability to Love is Inseparable from God's Nature
Mark 12:28-34
41) Pseudo-Spirituality Never Deceives God
Mark 12:35-44
42) Surrender to the Kingship of Christ
Mark 11:1-11
43) Future Events to Come
Mark 13:1-37
44) Mary of Bethany Anoints Jesus
Mark 14:1-9
45) The Last Passover
Mark 14:12-16; 22-25
46) Judas' Betrayal
John 14:10-11; 17-21
47) Peter's Denial
Mark 14:53-72
48) The Trial of the Lord Jesus
Mark 14:53-65; 15:1-15
49) The Crucifixion of the Lord Jesus
Mark 14:32-41, 15:22-38
50) The Resurrection of the Lord Jesus
Mark 15:42-47; 16:1-14