I & II Timothy
Frankly, he said, "I have never been interested in those things; because I find no basis for them in the scriptures. The future of the church should be the same as its past. Its vision should be to continue the work", its direction "to remain faithful to God's Word, to the Apostles' doctrine, to fellowship, to prayer and to the breaking of bread. If God in His grace adds to our number, so be it! But that is His business. Our responsibility is to remain true to His Word in a society which is departing from it and where churches are watering down its teaching in an attempt to accommodate those who have no intention of changing their ways."
Click on the button below to access this series of messages. | In the next couple of months we are focusing on I & II Timothy. Within these pages, the Apostle Paul tutors and disciples young Timothy in spiritual leadership. We can be similarly encouraged and established as saints in the faith from the wisdom contained in these books. |